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25 Business Plan Competiton Ideas

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When coming up with ideas for a Business Plan Competition, it can be a little difficult, and excitement can get in the way of good ideas, but with a little luck, your passion will lead to the best idea!

While people brainstorm ideas for business competitions they often fall into the trap that they have to do something that is completely new or learns new skills. This is not true! The possibilities for business ideas are as limitless as your imagination and determination to make them happen. This article is just a brief brainstorm of a variety of ideas that might incorporate things you love.

Remember whatever business you decide to do you should make sure that it is something that you are passionate about. If you do not really love what you’re doing the chances are you will not stick with the business or you will not be successful.

Some Business Ideas

1) Flipping Website

Flipping Websites is when you will start a website, build it up so that you can then sell it for a profit. At first, the idea seems a little far-fetched, but considering the low cost to start, it is worth looking into.

Flipping websites can yield high profits depending on the website quality and the client. The main work is the writing of blogs, creating videos, and the use of social media. This requires a lot of technical skills, writing skills included, and understand that flipping a website is a long-term project.

2) Online Publishing

Similar to flipping web pages, Online Publishing is a long-term project in which you don’t see immediate rewards. This obviously requires some writing skills, but it is inexpensive to start. Just keep in mind that success is completely dependent on you as you set your own schedule.

Online Publishing includes books, articles, and obviously blogs. Getting started is just as simple as sitting down and typing. The next step is uploading that to your own website or selling to an online publisher. The options will surprise you!

3) Selling a Product

This one is pretty popular whether it is selling products manufactured from actual companies or finding products on your own to sell, this is a pretty easy way to get a return value on things around your home.

The popularity of thrifting and reselling products found is growing daily. Tutorials on how to do this are scattering the web – will you join in?

4) Manufacturing A Product To Sell Online

Everyone has a talent and some talents can actually be sold to clients as products. Just think of something that you can do all day and sell it!

The most successful businesses add a purpose behind what they sell, such as donating some of the profit towards a charity. This means you can stay motivated while you craft knowing that what you’re doing has meaning.

5) Tutoring Business

This one is pretty explanatory AND all you need to start working is your own brain. Be experimental about your target group, the topic you tutor, and how you tutor. With online resources, you can tutor from almost anywhere!

Some decisions that you’ll have to make is how much you will be paid and how many client you will have at a time before you

6) Online Bookkeeping

No. This is not a librarian job – this is more about accounting. Keeping records and sort out the financial books for your clients. If you are someone with some accounting and financial know-how this could be the versatile job that you have been looking for!

7) Dog Walking Service

Do you have neighbors? Do they own dogs? Well, if you answer yes to both, then you are on your way to starting a dog walking business. People keep man’s best friend around for companionship and for various reasons, busy schedules, old age, or other personal reasons, not everyone can walk their dogs.

This is a great opportunity to work with cute dogs all day and make a profit! Who can say no to that?

Imagine this being your office!

8) Pet Sitting

Why stop with dog walking? Owners of all types of pets go on vacation all the time and need someone to look after their cat or their fish or their lizard or whatever else people have as pets.

People can’t take their pets everywhere they go, but with your help, they won’t have to worry about their pets while they enjoy their vacation.

9) Writing Service

Writing is a dying skill for some people. With modern services, it is rare for the average person to have to write more than a couple of sentences in an email. Writing blogs, articles, product descriptions, or weekly updates for their clients can be … stressful. That’s where you would come in.

Share your writing abilities with your clients or their clients by willingly opening up your writing services. This allows them to focus on their business and you can focus on doing what you already love.

10) Social Media and Digital Marketing

Social media and digital marketing are reaching an all-time high as the world continues to become more and more internet savvy. The average person spends half of their waking hours on a screen scrolling through social media or looking at a website.

This business idea allows you to take advantage of that and find a way to bring suppliers to the buyers so both parties can find what they are looking for – someone to buy their product and someone selling exactly what they’ve been looking to buy for the past few days.

11) Public Relations Service

This is actually a rather large job description with any different part – which is surprising since this job is all about keeping a good face and a way of communication between the client’s business and the community or target clients.

This includes social media, outreach, reputation management, speech writing, and event planning. Any set of skills can apply to some aspect of public relations services.

12) Tech Support and App Development

With everything going to the digital world of the internet, why not become a part of the actual development? This means tech support and app development.

Skills and training are necessary, but work and clients are almost guaranteed with this business.

13) Home Baked Products

Are you a whiz in the kitchen? Then why not share that goodness? Bake for fun and share the love that comes from your kitchen with others! This can be as big or as small as you want it and the price to start is up to you and what you create.

14) Meal Service Delivery

The world is busy, but not too busy to eat. Instead of people leaving the comfort of their homes, you can make a quick trip to bring them the food they want. You’d be a food delivering hero as you dare the streets and return with meals.

15) Cosmetology Business

If you are someone that likes to make things look nice and you have a great eye for detail, this might be a great fit for you. Cosmetology is on the rise for hair, lash, and eyebrow care and styling. This is a more relaxed setting and again, you set your own hours.

There is minimal training and supplies. Starting up can be a little pricy, but this type of business picks up fast!

16) Home Repair or Handy Man or Woman

If you have a knack for problem-solving and fixing things, this might be the low-key business model you’ve looking for. It’s not much but it’s honest work.

It’s the type of job that has some repetitions but you most likely won’t experience the same day multiple days in a row. Also, you’ll be meeting new people and be able to put your problem-solving to work.

17) Cleaning Service

Cleanliness is next to godliness. Working to help keep someone else’s home clean isn’t such a bad gig. The cost to start is the cost of cleaning supplies and then you’re off.

Once you determine the pay for the job, you can plug in your favorite 80’s playlist and get to work.

18) Food Truck

Do you have some cooking skills that go beyond baking? Do you have some extra cash in the bank? Buy a truck and see what business on the road can offer. This will require a little more paper work to make sure all your paper work lines up, but this is a great start if sharing food is your passion.

19) Lawn Care Service

Everyone likes a presentable lawn because no one wants to live in “that house” on the street that looks neglected. A clean cut yard can take any home looking decent to looking flawless. This is something you can offer during the warmer months of the year.

The cost to start is up to you and if you already have the yard equipment at your disposal. So, get cranking and have some fun with it!

20) Graphic Design

This is another one that will require some learning to get started. Thankfully, there are a lot of online courses and youtube videos that can help curb the cost of getting your feet on the ground. Getting started just depends on how ready you can to learn.

21) Adult Daycare

This might sound a little odd, but adults do occasionally need someone to come and take care of them – namely the elderly. In this business, you would be visiting the homes of other people and helping them with chores around the house.

This improves their quality of life at home and you get to make a friend along the way!

22) Child Daycare

Child daycare is actually a party and you can start your own either in your own home or in a space that you rent. Daycares are great if you are in a young neighborhood with a lot of working parents.

Too many kids and not enough babysitters? Have the kids come to you to have fun while parents work.

23)T-shirt Printing Business

T-shirts are a staple in fashion that will never go away – slap a personalized logo on it and what client would say no?

You can design your own or take custom orders. It is surprising how many people would willing pay to have one!

24) Small Office Candy/Snack Delivery Service

Offices are boring and sometimes the workers there can feel trapped until the finish the regular 9-5, but maybe you can your business can spice it up!

Bring candy and snacks to their break rooms weekly or monthly and be paid! You’re technically working in an office everyday, but it would be a different office everyday.

25) Personal Trainer

Love working out but can’t find anyone to work out with? Just become everyone’s workout buddy and get paid for it!

For a lot of beginners working out is a daunting task and coming with a routine that feels productive is nearly impossible. You can become a guide on someone’s fitness journey.

People exercising on a box
Personal Trainer

Whatever business you decide to choose, make sure it is something that you sincerely care about. Businesses are successful when they make money, but they are the best when it is something that you love.

We would love to hear from you. To contact the BYU Management Society Asia Pacific please click here to find our contact information.

Is BYU Hawaii A Party School?

BYU H is not a party school in the way most people think of a party school, but it is a very fun place to go to University. The school offers to the students a lot of activities and the opportunity to get to know other cultures. This makes BYU Hawaii and unique kind of party school.

You can learn more by reading Is BYU Hawaii A Party School? 10 Ways BYU-H Parties Differently by clicking here.

What Are Things You Can Learn From Losing a Business Plan Competition?

Losing a business plan does have benefits! Numerous participants have said that they learned a lot from the competition and would do it again or implement what they learned in other aspects of their lives.

The Business Plan Competition is an opportunity for BYU Hawaii students to present ideas original ideas that they have had for future businesses that might improve communities, create revenue, or even for the younger sort, start their own business of any kind like a cake-baking business.

You can discover the learning opportunities others had by reading 10 Things You Can Learn from Losing a Business Plan Competition by clicking here.

Autumn Barraclough