About – Adiyabold Namkhai

Allow me to introduce myself. I am Adiyabold Namkhai, a lifelong native Mongolian. I live in the capital, Ulaanbaatar (UB), a city of 1.3 million. Even though I reside in a big city, I love open spaces and travel outside the city every summer, often in the winter. I have four children whom I enjoy taking with me when traveling. They have also grown to love nature and the outdoors. By living in the city, my children can experience the best of both worlds: They get a proper modern education, and they can experience nomadic life during the summer months in the countryside of Mongolia, where half of Mongolians live. Outside of the cities, people herd livestock on the open range; without fences, barns, or corrals; moving around as needed for fresh pasture.
I love sharing Mongolia with visitors. I guided my first tour in 1996. I hosted a group of Japanese students, introducing them to our culture and heritage. I enjoyed it so much I pursued studies in tourism and hospitality at the Mongolian Tourism Institute. I’ve worked in the tourism field since 2000 as a guide and as the owner/director of my company. I truly enjoy sharing my knowledge and love for my country and culture. A wonderful bonus is learning about other countries from the great people I meet.
In addition to the standard cultural tours, I’ve been involved with archeological, botanical, historical, and filmography and photography adventures into central Mongolia, west to the Altai Mountains, south to the Gobi Desert, and all 21 provinces of Mongolia.
Our company has five full-time employees, 30 part-time employees, and ten nomadic communities scattered around Mongolia with which we interact. Every Fall, we celebrate the end of our season and consider what we learned. I consider my employees as family and friends, and this end-of-season get-together is a great time to review, share ideas and experiences, and plan for the future. Everyone sharing his/her knowledge and insights makes us a great team. I believe we have the best people in the business!
Mongolia is a developing country. As a result, many visitors can face difficulties such as unfamiliar food, inadequate accommodations, and a general lack of comfort. With my 20 years of experience, I have solved these problems. We will ensure you enjoy appropriate sleeping arrangements, comfortable accommodations, proper toiletry needs, good food, and safety. Our staff and nomadic communities’ ongoing training and orientation result in a superior experience for you. We sincerely want you to have a great experience, and our goal is to leave you with beautiful and fulfilling memories of our wonderful country.