Launching Leaders: Marc Barredo Empowers the Rising Generation in the Philippines

Launching Leaders: Marc Barredo Empowers the Rising Generation in the Philippines

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As the Institute Director for the Philippines Bacolod Mission, Marc Barredo oversees operations at the Bacolod Philippines Institute of Religion. He manages finances, course offerings, enrollment, attendance, completion, and graduation with a team of 10 volunteer teachers, an administrative assistant, and a student council.

Additionally, Marc coordinates with five stakes within the Philippines Bacolod Mission and actively contributes to Innovating Institute, an initiative to increase young adults’ participation in the Institute program.

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Marc Barredo - Institute Director for the Philippines Bacolod Mission
Marc Barredo – Institute Director for the Philippines Bacolod Mission

Potential Of The Launching Leaders Program

Recently, Marc has taken a keen interest in the transformative potential of the Launching Leaders program. This free course, designed for individuals, faith-based organizations, and nonprofits, has become a focal point in his efforts to enhance leadership skills among Institute Student Council members and fellow Institute directors and coordinators.

Motivated by a desire to serve his community better, Marc and his colleagues enrolled in Launching Leaders. They found the program more than just a tool for facilitating discussions. It has become a catalyst for personal growth, not only in their professional capacities but also in their roles as fathers, spouses, and disciples of Christ.

Launching Leaders Has An Innovative Approach

Launching Leaders introduces an innovative approach to learning. It encourages participants like Marc to read and prepare assignments independently before engaging in group discussions. This method actively involves students, fostering personal insights and promoting peer-to-peer learning.

Despite potential challenges in maintaining enthusiasm post-discussion sessions, Marc sees the free accessibility of Launching Leaders as a perfect fit for the community he serves, where many students are not yet working or earning. Moreover, the program presents an opportunity to strengthen inter-faith relationships within the local congregation.

Launching Leaders Identifies Core Values

The principles taught in Launching Leaders, such as identifying core values, align with Marc’s holistic approach to living, integrating faith into everyday life. This integration is crucial in helping individuals regain control and find anchorage amidst an information-overloaded society.

Incorporating the insights gained from Launching Leaders into his teachings as an Institute Director involves intentionally applying principles like “Beware the Double Life,” emphasizing the importance of avoiding compartmentalization in one’s life. Through these teachings, Marc aims to guide students and leaders toward a Christ-centered life.

Launching Leaders Contributes to Personal And Professional Development

Launching Leaders significantly contributes to personal and professional development, particularly within a faith-based context. By pointing individuals towards Christ without explicitly mentioning the Church, the program aligns with the current direction from senior leaders to help the rising generation become more converted to Jesus Christ and His restored gospel.

The positive impact of Launching Leaders extends beyond the educational context. Emphasizing collaboration, Marc works to make the program accessible beyond the Institute, creating a ripple effect that benefits individuals and communities.

A poignant example of the program’s transformative potential comes from Keith, currently serving as the Institute Student Council President. Keith’s journey from mentee to mentor showcases Marc’s commitment to leveraging Launching Leaders to inspire leadership and personal growth among the rising generation in the Philippines.

In conclusion, Marc Barredo, Institute Director for the Philippines Bacolod Mission, recognizes Launching Leaders as an invaluable tool to empower the rising generation. Committed to leveraging the program’s potential, Marc aims to accelerate the work already underway, providing practical solutions for the unique challenges faced by the youth in his community.

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Servant leaders are those leaders who lead with a purpose. A servant leader builds influence and relationships with their team while at the same time having attributes such as empathy, listening, caring, and understanding. A servant leader is inspiring and inspires the other team members.

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Karen De la Cruz
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